All files are intended for personal use only. YOU MAY NOT resell, redistribute or share the files in whole
or in part for any reason. By purchasing any file from this shop you accept the terms and conditions.
It is the customer’s full responsibility to proofread for accuracy of grammar, spelling and wording before
sending to print. TDA party on paper is not liable for any errors or printing costs incurred.
We STRONGLY recommend customers to test print to ensure that the printer's output and settings are
properly aligned. We are not responsible for the quality of your final print, as the end product is affected
by many variables including printer settings and condition, paper and ink quality, etc. All of our designs
are rendered as high resolution files. If you’re not confident in your home printer and its capabilities, we
recommend using a local print shop or copy shop for production.
All personalized invitations, stationery and party decor orders can be cancelled only if the final file has
not been sent.